How Do I Protect Myself from the British Columbia College of Physicians and Surgeons?
And Health Canada?
Roughly 170 billion dollars was spent in 2020 funding cancer research globally. Despite all the money donated since Terry Fox failed to run across Canada in 1980 and despite the fact that the incidence of lung cancer has significantly declined, the outcomes for lung cancer treatment have failed to improve.
Icarus Flyby and Jiminy Slithers
I have Stage IIIC Adenocarcinoma
Lung Cancer
Lung Cancer
A cancer diagnosis is clear evidence that something has gone terribly wrong in your body at the cellular level
At this point, it does not matter to me how I got cancer, but it matters to you because once you have it the statistics are dismal. The 5-year survival rate for people with all types of lung cancer is 21%. The 5-year survival rate for women is 24%. My radiation physician says that there is less than a 10% chance that the combined radiation and chemo treatments will cure my cancer. The 5-year survival rate for men is 17%.
When people stopped smoking, as I did 30 years ago, the incidence of lung cancer declined but the Outcomes of Lung Cancer treatment have not improved since the discovery of the properties of the Pacific yew tree in the 1960s. This is what we have today:
BC Medical System
Cut, Burn and Poison
Standard of Care
On average, 58 Canadians die from lung cancer every day.
metabolic disease, any of the diseases or disorders that disrupt normal metabolism, the process of converting food to energy on a cellular level. Thousands of enzymes participating in numerous interdependent metabolic pathways carry out this process.
There are (in fact) no currently available medical trials or support within the BC Medical System or treatment protocols for cancer as a metabolic disease. You have to figure this out for yourself if you want to improve your chance of surviving the current standard of care. There is no free lunch! ;)
So after a month of denial, in December 2021, I transformed from my casual redneck Ketogenic diet that doesn’t count beer in the hot tub to a god-fearing, born-again, bullet coffee, avocado-smoothie intermittent faster and got myself into an increasing level of therapeutic ketosis. I purchased a blood monitor and found an expert in ketogenic nutritional support while I undergo standard of care radiation and chemotherapy.
My plan is to be alive and in good health in five years following the way.
Statins and Cancer
In January 2006 I suffered a MI while swimming intervals in the Strathcona Pool. I had two stents inserted into my heart which fixed the problem and a prescription for 80 mg of Lipitor@Pfizer each day, which ruined my health.
Fifteen months later, in October 2007, I quit working. I don’t remember 2008 at all. I suffered repeated arterial blood clots in my legs and daily severe cramps to the point of passing out. By 2011 my savings were exhausted. In 2012 I heard a doctor say to the nurse “go get his wife”. After that I quit exercising, realizing that when I got cold while exercising I ended up in the hospital with a blood clot. In November 2013 the City of Campbell River sent the RCMP to my house. In February 2014 I was prescribed antipsychotics and mood stabilizers as a treatment for bipolar disorder.
My statin prescription was changed from 80 mg of Lipitor@Pfizer to 20 mg of Crestor@AstraZeneca. From Atorvastatin to Rosuvastatin. From fat-soluble to water-soluble. A cognitive bias.
In 2016 I read a letter to the New England Journal of Medicine and later watched a video verifying my growing suspicions. After hundreds of hours of research, afraid that there was something I didn’t understand, without any support, abandoned by doctors who had treated me for a decade I reduced my statin medication while going on a strict ketogenic diet. A diet that worked for children with severe epilepsy; a diet that I hoped would provide some relief to my ongoing cognitive and emotional conditions. There was something wrong with my brain.
The ketogenic diet switches the energy your brain uses from glucose (sugar) to ketone bodies (fat). Ten months later, I had lost 70 pounds as a side effect of improved cognitive and emotional balance and finally after years of confusion, I was able to collate my personal experiences with the information that my research had uncovered.
According to Pfizer: Lipitor@Pfizer is 1% better than a placebo
I had statin-induced dementia: BBB, hippocampus; 2012 FDA
Statins Damage Mitochondria. This is important; later.
Regulatory capture has led to an autocratic waterfall of disinformation designed to misrepresent the benefits and conceal the adverse effects of medical interventions at all levels of the medical system.
The condition is chronic and terminal.
For me and as a direct result; diligently—and with the best of intentions, dozens of doctors and specialists subjected me to tortuous surgical interventions; mind-killing anti-psychotics and flat-line mood stabilizers while failing to recognize the single cause for my physical, cognitive and emotional decline: the maximum allowable dose of Atorvastatin: 80 mg of Lipitor@Pfizer per day.
Some were simply ignorant; some clearly disingenuous; some aggressively silent.
Education is the cure for ignorance, and so I attempted to get the College of Physicians and Surgeons to educate its members.
Statins Work!
Statins reduce the availability of COQ10, DOLICHOL, TAU PROTEIN, Prenylated Proteins and CHOLESTEROL by 50% or more. That's the problem.
Statins reduce heart mortality by migrating morbidity
Statins are 1% better than nothing
I Practiced the Art of War.
As a result, my lexicon includes run-in-periods, relative benefits, publication bias, lowered thresholds, hidden corporate data and so on. A list of terms that like climate events appear to be beyond human control. But like climate change (and democracy), iatrogenic illness and death can be managed by a paradigm shift in data ownership.
I lost.
20% of what you are doing is creating 80% of your problems
The College of Physicians and Surgeons is the critical path required to maintain iatrogenic illness and death. The College of Physicians and Surgeons operates within the liability shield of administrative law, a star chamber of self-adjudication.
You are unrepresented, your presence is not required or permitted. No one is going to help you.
For you, there is no Canadian Bill of Rights as it is not within the public’s interest.
“...the more a person's rights or interests are adversely affected, the more procedural or substantive protections must be afforded to that person in order to respect the principles of fundamental justice.” Wiki
I had been physically and mentally tortured for a decade due to ignorance.
Torture is when somebody in an official capacity inflicts severe mental or physical pain or suffering on somebody else for a specific purpose.
Doesn’t matter what the intention was, it was still torture.
I accepted what victories I could in improvement in my health; wrote about my shadows and slowly regained my appreciation for each day. But then in October 2021, I had an x-ray that began a series of tests that led to my first radiation and chemotherapy session for lung cancer this week.
It does not matter to me how I got cancer, it matters to you because once you have it the statistics are dismal.
I am not a doctor. I am not a lawyer. I do not mediate ethics.
Medical System workers: Shut down the College of Physicians and Surgeons.
If not for us, do it for yourself. We are all snowflakes.
Learn from your past mistakes and start over. Adopt continuous improvement, quality assurance and agile thinking.
Twenty percent of what you do creates eighty percent of the benefits:
suss those out. Keep it simple
Susan and I live a quiet moderate life that by any definition is one of rich abundance. We believe that the British Columbia Medical System needs to become a healthcare system
that is what we all want.
daRoyal Tuna daFish - Icarus Flyby March 2022